Index of Terms Definitions of terms and where you’ll find them in the manual.
A term used in survey research to refer to the match between the target population and the sample.
"AIs can do a good job of predicting a few frames into the future, but the accuracy falls off sharply after five or 10 fr…"
Module 2, Project Portal Toolkit, Heading Most Directly Above This Reference"AIs can do a good job of predicting a few frames into the future, but the accuracy falls off sharply after five or 10 fr…"
Module 2, Project Portal Toolkit, Heading Most Directly Above This ReferenceANOVA (analysis of variance)
A method of statistical analysis broadly applicable to a number of research designs, used to determine differences among the means of two or more groups on a variable. The independent variables are usually nominal, and the dependent variable is usual an interval.